Irina Gancheva, Lyuba Dimova
Department of Meteorology and Geophysics,
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. This article is dedicated to the earthquakes of February 6th, 2023 in Türkiye and Syria. The epicenters are located in seismically active region where the East Anatolian Fault is placed. Past and present seismicity is reviewed and together with the aftershock activity is shown as simplified map. The tectonic and geological features of the affected area are discussed in brief. Preliminary assessments of the consequences and damages are presented, according to the data we known up to now. In addition, the main shock generated tsunami waves that were registered by the mareograph network.
Using SAR satellite data, we made an estimation of the deformations in the Earth’s crust after the earthquakes. The preliminary results show displacements above 2.5 m.
Keywords: earthquake; Türkiye; Syria; SAR satellite data