Asen Stoyanov
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Abstract. One of the most expensive spices and herbal substances – the saffron threads, is produced from the stigmas of Crocus sativus L. The low number of stigmas per flower, labour-intensive harvesting and high demand drive its high cost but also make it a significant target for adulteration. The current study aims to develop a key for rapid macroscopic and microscopic screening of Croci sativi stigma samples, which can distinguish between the herbal substance and its most common adulterants. A literature review was conducted to determine known adulterants of saffron and relevant identification techniques. Vaucher materials were acquired from Bulgarian markets and analysed. An authentication key was developed and then tested by students enrolled in the Pharmacognosy courses in the master’s program in Pharmacy at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Of 15 samples, 12 were adulterated. Using the provided key, 12 out of 13 students managed to correctly identify provided samples.
Keywords: saffron adulteration, Croci sativi stigma authentication, pharmacognosy