ЮЗУ „Неофит Рилски“ – Благоевград
Based on the Modern Bulgarian School, this study is focused on clarifying the specifics of educational interaction, which is mostly used in its very old forms. Sometimes, these forms are ignoring or quite distant from the rea1
proЫems of children, from their preferences and expectations. It is emphasized that the modeling of the educational interaction is Iargely determined Ьу the conceptual attitude of the teachers toward the education, its meaning in the life of the group, of the community and of the individual. The presence of outdated views and patterns of thought concerning the instructive purpose of the education and the specifics of realization of the educational role of teachers, cause confusion and difficulties in fulfilling their professional oЫigations. It is maintained that the construction of educational models and creating opportunities for their actual imp1ementation at school level, is closely re1ated to the timely consideration of the content-oriented and the
function of educational interaction with various social transformations occurred in all areas of the life we real1y are