Knud Benedict1), Michèle Schaub1),
Michael Baldauf1), Michael Gluch1),
Matthias Kirchhoff2), Caspar Krüger2)
1)Department of Maritime Studies Warnemuende / Institute ISSIMS
Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences – Technology,
Business and Design (Germany)
2)ISSIMS GmbH (Germany)
Abstract. Some years ago, the SAMMON software tool box was introduced for “simulation augmented manoeuvring design, monitoring & conning”. It is based on the innovative “rapid advanced prediction & interface technology” (RAPIT) to simulate the ships motion by fast time simulation FTS with complex dynamic math models and to display the ships track immediately in an electronic sea chart for any rudder, thruster or engine manoeuvre planned by the navigator.specifically, the SAMMON planning tool will be shown in its opportunities for achieving new knowledge for teaching of ships dynamic and training of ship handling elements. That system represents the full information from ships’ manoeuvring documentation and from additional trial results squeezed in a ship dynamic model, capable of simulating environmental effects by using the RAPIT technology. The paper introduces the variety of opportunities of the training tools by presenting use case studies, e.g. For drifting under wind and how to get simple formulas for drift speed related to wind speed. Additionally, two complex manoeuvring strategies for a port arrival scenario will be compared for a ship with azimuth propeller to find out potential alternatives with less fuel consumptions and emissions.
Keywords: fast-time manoeuvring simulation; voyage planning; dynamic prediction methods; simulator training