Dr. Siya Veleva, Assoc. Prof.; Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka
University of Architecture, Civil Eng. and Geodesy – Sofia (Bulgaria)
Dr. Anka Tsvetanova, Assoc. Prof.,
Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Abstract. Bulgarian agriculture lags behind global trends in innovation activity. This is largely due to the fact that it is carried out by predominantly small owners (farmers), who usually do not have a good opportunity to introduce innovations or they underestimate their importance. The results are reduced operational efficiency and problematic development sustainability.
Given this, the purpose of this publication is to briefly present the results of a study of the innovation capacity of a sample of Bulgarian farmers, as a condition for the activation of innovations. Such research has not yet been done in our country. The studied sample is not representative of Bulgarian agriculture, but the obtained results are indicative of the innovative possibilities of agricultural producers. Based on them, various comparisons can be made and analyzes relevant to theory and business practice can be carried out.
Keywords: agricultural; farmers; innovation; innovation capacity; determinants